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Classic Red Truck
8 H x 18 L x 8 W
Behold the Retro Red Revver -a blast from the past that brings the spirit of nostalgia roaring into the present! With its fiery red exterior and vintage charm, this truck is like a classic movie star that steals the show wherever it goes.  Whether bringing in a harvest or accenting your space, a classic red truck is sure to please.
Classic Red Truck

Vendor: Home Decor

Item #: 39001

Availability: In stock


Classic Red Truck
8 H x 18 L x 8 W
Behold the Retro Red Revver -a blast from the past that brings the spirit of nostalgia roaring into the present! With its fiery red exterior and vintage charm, this truck is like a classic movie star that steals the show wherever it goes. Whether bringing in a harvest or accenting your space, a classic red truck is sure to please.